Friday, April 4, 2014


The human species IS living as if it had more than one planet to occupy. They are wasteful, disgusting, repugnant B#$%RDS and I'm so glad I'm not one of them.

Okay, okay--I am a human. I'm just embarrassed to admit it sometimes. Most people don't care about anything but the Rapture or the Kardashians. Us folks living here in NorCal are living in an elite bubble of higher-ordered thinkers, not that we aren't without fault here too. But, in some parts of our country, people have never even heard of recycling---gigantic gallon milk jugs, boxes, plastic bags--are still being thrown in the trash on a regular basis.

But even here, I've been surprised that more people aren't talking about the drought and water conservation. I'm continually taking "polls" from my clients on whatever I'm thinking about at the time, and my random polls on the drought have been surprising. It's sad to me that there are people out there that think that climate change is a made up conspiracy.

I do try to look at things in a positive light, and I think awareness is the first part of change. And environmental awareness is seeping into mass consciousness through such avenues as more demand for electric cars, paperless statements, better city planning (for less sprawl), and fair trade programs.

Unfortunately, I'm not sure it's happening at a pace fast enough for our poor sweet mama Earth.

The solution? Strategic Marketing. MAKE GOING GREEN SEXY!

Show Jessica Alba using all parts of her chicken when she cooks, casually feeding the liver to her sweet cat. J-Lo driving her Tesla, Brangelina and the kids harvesting the food from their "food forest" in their front yard...and if we could get Justin Timberlake and Jimmy Fallon to do some kind of hashtag rap about the hipness of green living, well we'd have a waiting list for the bandwagon!

I know this kind of celebrity marketing is happening already on a small scale, I just want to see it more and more, like green tsunami waves pounding the shores of mass media.


  1. I love your idea for green celebrity marketing! I think you may have just thought up the solution. ;0) How can we get Hollywood on board?

  2. I love your blog. Though I was completely unaware of this celebrity marketing, it is probably one of the best ways to get ideas out to the masses. Honestly, we all live in the Bay Area. In a sense we are all just preaching to the choir. But, to live in an area where sustainable living isn't in your face 24/7, it may just be an education issue. And, celebrities clearly influence trends. Making 'going green' a trend... smart idea!

  3. Great idea Laura. I think this will help, only to some extent. I think there needs to be a deeper shift internally as I don't believe external influences and trends will be sustainable. But this would be a good start. Love your blog!

  4. Jamie, Jessie, and Nathan, thank you for reading and your encouraging remarks. Part of what I wrote was a joke, and it makes me sad that we live in a world where we have to "sell" everything. In writing this I was thinking of Bono's "Red" campaign for fighting AIDS in Africa. I admire his work and to put himself out there to make big changes because he has the sway and swagger to do it. And I think in a similar thread, Brad and Angelina adopting all of those kids from Asia and Africa sent a powerful message into the world, and I think they knew exactly what they were doing (partially to take the spotlight off of their torrid start?). Unfortunately, I believe that most celebrities are too vain to consider saving our planet. I agree with you Nathan...that a deeper shift needs to happen. Maybe that won't be possible and we will self-destruct. Humans are Earth's rude parasitic teenager, hopefully we'll learn to live symbiotically with her before she decides to kick us out for good!
