Friday, June 6, 2014

Uncertainty and causality in a wildly weird universe

Pertaining to the Uncertainty Principle:  It is fascinating to me that, based on our own life experiences, cultural backgrounds, sex, age, and all other unlimited variables that shape our viewpoint, we are able to exist in this world together.  The world changes depending on our vantage point, and I think it's what makes things spicy!  That difference of opinions is the catalyst for change and growth.  Heisenberg suggested that the universe reveals itself through the questions we ask.  I find this to be intensely true, that my experience in this life would have been drastically different if I didn't choose to become an avid observer of the human experience, take notes, and ask questions.  In this way, my own reality changes everyday in my search for a deeper understanding of my created reality and ultimately, the truth.

On Causality:  Due to all of the variables that create what we know as the Uncertainty Principle, it can be difficult to nail down specific causes to events...that said, it is part of human nature to speculate and try to discover the cause.  Because we love mysteries.  It's in our DNA to ask why did something happen or where did we come from.  A conversation comes to mind that many of us have probably had with others about their mutts..."well, we don't really know, but we think Fido is 1/2 german shephard, 1/4 chihuahua, and 1/4 cocker spaniel...don't you see it?" We don't really know what the dog is, but it is fun to try and figure it out.

The Universe is definitely weird.  I only know this because I have an affinity for weird things and people and since I like the Universe, it must be weird. 

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