Sunday, July 20, 2014

Newton and Descartes

Newton's Laws and Me

Law of Inertia:  Depending on the task, it can take a lot of momentum for me to get started.  Once I start said task, it is difficult for me to stop until completion or I have another priority or fatigue wins.

Law of Acceleration:  Once an idea sparks my imagination, I want to actualize it.  The inspiration is the propelling force that drives me to see the idea become a reality.  The more inspired I am, the more driven I become, and as a result, the faster I make the idea a reality.

Law of Equal/Opposing Forces:  I don't have a direct example pertaining to my life, but for some reason I keep thinking of people slam dancing in mosh pits.

Descartes and Reductionism

Descartes' idea of reducing something to its parts to explain it reminds me of Western medicine.  Dividing a human being into systems or small parts to try to explain and heal a medical condition can be primitive.  Taking a step back and looking at the human being as a whole entity--body, mind, and spirit--is the way of Chinese medicine and I believe a much more effective way of healing.


  1. That's an interesting way of comparing Descartes' idea to Western medicine, and I totally agree!! It's simplifying the body and trying to force it into a category versus looking at all the different parts as a whole to see what's really wrong/causing symptoms.
